Here is Part 2 of the list with the top CSR emerging issues for 2013. Items 6-10 follow below.
6-Personal Responsibility Management: How We Can Lead More Sustainable Lifestyles
Here is Part 2 of the list with the top CSR emerging issues for 2013. Items 6-10 follow below.
6-Personal Responsibility Management: How We Can Lead More Sustainable Lifestyles
Every year in December, a select group of CSR experts and I receive a request from the editor of Stakeholders, a CSR magazine in Peru, to provide a list of 10 emerging topics for the next year’s issues. This year will be a busy one in the CSR field, so we had no problem coming up with a list of key topic for 2013. Here below is a list of items 1-5. Items 6-10 will be featured in the February blog.
1-Sustainable Cities
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved a lot in the last 10 years; it has gone from being a peripheral function to becoming an important pillar in a company’s strategy. Although this is very good news for CSR managers, it also brings new responsibilities and challenges. Senior leaders now expect CSR initiatives to add value to the business and any CSR achievement has to be measured according to a set of agreed upon indicators. It is critically important to begin to measure CSR results because it is a way to gain understanding and acceptance from other proponents within the company.
Effective measurement systems for CSR initiatives follow specific methodologies. To start, we will review some lessons from a couple of past measurement studies that are worthwhile mentioning.
In recent years, a lot has been written about the changing roles of men. Studies by Families and Work Institute have shown that “young women and men alike are challenging traditional roles and expecting to share paid work, as well as tending the house and children. Working fathers are spending more time with their children than three decades ago, and men in general are taking more responsibility for their children’s childcare which includes managing the child care arrangements. More men are taking care of house chores and house cleaning too.”
It has been fascinating to follow the media announcement of the newly appointed CEO at Yahoo. Her name is Marissa Mayer and she comes from Google, the search engine company that was founded after Yahoo and quickly surpassed it. Mayer was one of the first employees at Google. Over the years, she ran Google’s search group and worked with successful products like Gmail. She is smart, detail oriented and very media savvy. Yahoo, on the other hand, has had 7 CEOs in the last 5 years, and is a company with problems, a declining market share and a demoralized workforce.
This is the question Charles Fishman, an acclaimed journalist, asked a few years ago in his book “The Wal-Mart Effect.” At the time, some could argue “Good” because it saved American consumers billions of dollars, but Fishman and others disagreed. Fishman showed us another side to the story. He said these savings were achieved by shifting costs to suppliers and forcing small business into bankruptcy. In many cases the situation was so detrimental that when Wal-Mart moved into a new town, the company caused poverty in the area.
“The 2020 Workplace”, a book by Jeanne C. Meister & Karie Wyllierd provided tremendous insight about trends that are shaping the workplace and what companies will need to do for effective recruitment, development and retention of employees of the future.
According to Meister & Wyllierd, “there are ten global forces at work in the workplace to come in 2020,” which include:
1) A worldwide shift in demographics resulting in a workforce that is older. The number of new workplace entrants will not be sufficient in some countries and the war for talent will be global. By 2020, most workplaces will have five generations working side by side:-Traditionalists, born before 1946; Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964; Generation X, born between 1965 and 1976; Millennials, born between 1977 and 1997; and Generation 2020, born after 1997.
The well-being of society depends on the support from three key sectors, the private sector, the public sector and civic society. A social contract exists among these sectors in order to ensure the public good, where each sector plays a role determined by the sociopolitical and economic situation of each country.
In the United States and many western societies, the social contract looked very different in the past. Society expected business to pay taxes and provide jobs; government to ensure the public good, set laws, collect taxes, and supply social services; and civic society to take care of the social problems. In the last 30 to 40 years, these roles have been changing due to emerging social problems, new stakeholder expectations, globalization, technology and rapidly changing demographics. The role of government has shrunk and the roles of business and civil society have grown.
What do Apple and Victoria’s Secret have in common? They are successful multinationals that had record sales in 2011. In January 2012, Apple was named the most valuable company on earth with assets worth $351 billion dollars. The company sold more iPhones last quarter (37.04 million) than the average number of babies born worldwide in the same period. Victoria’s Secret, with the help of supermodels “Angels,” had record profits in the third quarter of 2011.
Apple and Victoria’s Secret are publicly committed companies to a set of values, requiring suppliers around the world to meet codes of labor and sourcing standards. Both companies have instituted training programs for their suppliers. Consumers can feel very good when purchasing a new piece of lingerie or an iPhone because these companies are “doing the right thing.”
RSE Perú es el primer periódico de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en el Perú. Es un quincenario de actualidad y noticias con entrevistas, reportajes e informes exclusivos de los más importantes proyectos de RSE y ambiental que ejecutan las instituciones y corporaciones empresariales en el Perú)
Este artículo discute los que ha sucedido en el mundo empresarial en los últimos tres años que ha contribuido a crear un ambiente de desconfianza entre la gente y como en el medio de los escándalos empresariales y el enfoque de ganancias a corto plazo ha surgido en el mundo un grupo de líderes empresariales que está practicando una nueva forma de hacer negocios llamada el “capitalismo consciente” basada en la creación de valor a largo plazo para los inversionistas y la sociedad.