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In a changing world where we are constantly facing personal and professional challenges, solutions will come not only from technological and scientific innovation but also from those leaders who can incorporate the many perspectives around them when making complex decisions.

Integral Coaching is a process of change that helps a person strengthen or develop skills for achieving their human potential and success in their professional and personal life. Integral coaching helps an individual grow in all their dimensions – socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually – and is based on specific plans designed according to each person's areas of opportunity.

Normisur International has more than eight years of experience coaching executives following this methodology – one that is very new to the business world and among top management.

The process may take from 7 to 12 months, depending on the needs of the executive or businessperson, and consists of a series of steps that can be described as follows:

  • Diagnosis and pre-analysis
  • Co-definition with the client of clear goals and aims
  • Action plan and daily tools (self-observation, journal, meditation, reading, physical activity, et.al.)

Follow-up sessions are scheduled with the coach, who throughout the process furnishes feedback to the client with observations and advice for reaching the goals, thus providing integral attention to the individual's personal and professional development.


With more than 29 years of experience in training and teaching, Celina Pagani-Tousignant has conducted numerous workshops, courses, sessions and seminars in American, European and Asian countries.

Corporate social responsibility, community involvement, corporate volunteering, life/work balance, workforce development, diversity and health and wellness – these are but a few of Normisur International's areas of expertise.

Training services include the design of specific, customized programs of variable lengths (4 hours, one day or up to 5 days, depending on the needs of the company or institution).

Celina`s international recognition in the field of education has led her to participate in different academic programs, as noted below:

  • Diplomado de RSE at the Tecnológico de Monterrey: The goal of this program is for participants to understand the CSR concepts so that they can promote within their organizations a program in line with the policies and actions of the organizational strategy. It opens up the possibility of designing CSR projects that have a more transcendent strategic approach with stronger impact. Celina was the academic coordinator for the virtual certification course in Mexico and conducts face-to-face certification courses in Peru and Ecuador, using methods and contents she herself has designed. www.itesm.la
  • Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship: Celina has been a faculty member of the Boston College since 1997, for which reason she maintains her links to it, developing customized training for the organization. www.bcccc.net
  • Centrum fuer Corporate Citizenship Deutschland: Celina has worked with the CCCD since 2009 as a trainer and consultant on corporate social responsibility, life/work balance and labor force diversity, among other issues www.cccdeutschland.org
  • Regional promotion of CSR in Latin America: Together with Allen White of Tellus Institute, Celina participated in the design of the intensive CSR course in the project developed by Forum Empresa with IDB and OAS support. The course was given in Brazil, El Salvador, Peru and Chile, and Celina has continued to give it since 2007 in Costa Rica at the request of the Asociación Empresarial para el Desarrollo (Business Development Association) www.aedcr.com

As with these courses, Normisur International develops workshops and executive briefings with boards of directors and top management on specific issues such as management models, triple bottom line, CSR visions and the business case, among others, for sensitizing and providing strategic guidance in internal corporate decision-making on these issues.


Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility consulting will help your company integrally address the incorporation of best practices in business management to maximize investment return by means of continuing improvement projects and plans in your organization.

Normisur International guides its clients in the different stages of CSR strategy implementation:

  • Diagnostic and information analysis
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Identification of emerging issues
  • Strategy development
  • Building the business case
  • Identification of measurement indicators
  • Action plans
  • Communication strategy

To do this we provide follow-up according to your needs. Other areas in which Celina Pagani provides consulting include: life/work balance, diversity issues with an intergenerational approach, community involvement, corporate volunteering, and women leadership issues.