I recently picked up an issue of Trendwatching that describes a new trend among consumers who are on an epic quest for a new form of consumerism: free from guilt over negative impacts on...

Normisur International is a global consulting firm specializing in corporate social responsibility, work force development and executive coaching.
Founded in 1997 by its president, Celina Pagani-Tousignant, Normisur International has an extensive client base in the United States, Canada, Latin America and Asia, giving it the ability to develop partnerships and earning it a reputation as one of the most highly recognized consulting firms in the area.
Its consulting, training and executive coaching services use an integrated, personalized method that allows for focusing on goals and maximizing positive results.
Celina Pagani Tousignant Normisur International CEO |
Celina Pagani-Tousignant, born in Uruguay, has a master's degree in clinical psychology and more than 20 years of experience in multinational firms, as well as 17 years of experience as president of Normisur International, acting as consultant, trainer and executive coach.
In the 80s and 90s she created numerous programs focusing on workforce development and corporate social responsibility in companies such as Levi Strauss and PG&E.
More recently, she received a certification in Life Coaching from the John F. Kennedy University and a certificate in Integral Coaching from New Ventures West, a coaching school in San Francisco, California.
She has worked with executives from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, South Africa, Canada, the United States, Palestine, England, Belgium, Slovenia, Mongolia and many Latin American countries, helping them in such areas as implementing corporate social responsibility initiatives, managing organizational change, integrating multicultural teams and developing leadership skills.
As an instructor, Celina has occupied various university posts in the United States and other countries, such as at the John F. Kennedy University, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, the Boston College Center for Work & Family, the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship, the Boston College Sloan Center for Aging & Work, the Center for Corporate Citizenship Germany, World at Work and the Technológico de Monterrey.
An international speaker, change agent and opinion leader, Celina Pagani can be followed on twitter @celinapt
Wright Institute. In December 2011, Celina became a member of the Board of Trustees, at the Wright Institute, an accredited university located in Berkeley, California, that educates clinicians to society through various masters and doctorate training programs in Psychology. Celina has made available her expertise in strategic planning to the Executive Director during the strategic planning process that was developed for the period 2014-2018. In addition, she has worked with the Chair and the members of the Diversity Committee to help them refocus their goals and overcome obstacles within the organization.
Forum Empresa. In March 2011, Celina took on the post of Senior Strategic Advisor at Forum Empresa to help out with strategic thinking for the network’s direction in Latin America, propose recommendations on CSR matters, and advise Forum’s Executive Director on project management. For more information go to: http://www.empresa.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=47&Itemid=86
FUNDAR Y Forum Empresa. Durante el 2011, Celina contribuyó como experta junto con FUNDAR y Forum Empresa para la elaboración de la primera herramienta gratuita mundial de medición de resultados e impactos del Voluntariado Corporativo. La herramienta es accesible en Internet y mide los impactos de todas las partes implicadas: empresas, trabajadores, ONGs colaboradoras y beneficiatrios de los programas. En noviembre de 2011, FUNDAR lanzó la herramienta en Madrid durante un evento especial. Se puede acceder a la herramienta en la página de Forum Empresa: http://www.empresa.org/evaluacion-voluntariado/f-metodoogia.php
Mevident Inc. Since 2010, Celina has been a member of the Mevident Wellness Advisory Board, a company founded in late 2008 in San Francisco, California, that manages a network of wellness practitioners, assists organizations in the integration of wellness services into health programs, and consults with CEOs, CFOs and senior executives on the development of a health and wellness strategy. Currently she took the position of Director of Corporate Consulting to help Mevident promote the health and wellness strategy development consulting services. For more information go to: https://www.mevident.com/info/about
Tecnológico de Monterrey. Since January 2010, Celina together with CEMEX and Tecnológico de Monterrey has been a strategic partner of EMPRESARSE, a learning community for companies in México and Latin America that offers resources and tools to strengthen their management practices and CSR initiatives in a way that adds economic, social and environmental value. For more information go to: http://www.empresarse.com/socios