I recently picked up an issue of Trendwatching that describes a new trend among consumers who are on an epic quest for a new form of consumerism: free from guilt over negative impacts on...

Since 2011, The Mongolian Office of GIZ has been promoting the CSR concept among private and state-owned companies as a way to ensure good corporate governance. Normisur International has been part of the creation of the CSR framework in Mongolia since 2012. Celina Pagani-Tousignant, president of Normisur International has been invited to return to Mongolia for the sixth time to provide consulting services on a variety of CSR topics. Here is a list of services provided by Normisur International:
a) Three hour lecture for students of public administration and professors at the National University of Mongolia on “CSR and Public administrators”
b) One day Train the Trainer session for CSR consultants on “How to Apply the ISO 26000 In the Company”
c) Four hour session with members of the National CSR Public Policy Task Force
d) Session facilitation at the National CSR Forum 2014 on “Recommendations for Implementation of the National CSR Policy”, and presentation (and bringing international CSR expert contributions on the latest knowledge available) on the following topic: “Human Rights and Business”
e) Internal advisory services and coaching to GIZ staff on the implementation of the GIZ consultancy model for companies on CSR strategy development (while in Mongolia expert will meet with representatives from one large holding company that was selected to start the CSR strategic planning process/expert will also conduct an audit at a large coal company that received the advisory services in 2013-14, to see how the company has implemented the CSR strategy since April, 2014)