I recently picked up an issue of Trendwatching that describes a new trend among consumers who are on an epic quest for a new form of consumerism: free from guilt over negative impacts on...

April 2014 Visit to Mongolia
On April 2014, Normisur International returned to Mongolia for the fifth time, invited by the Mongolian office of GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) to help with the promotion of CSR in the country. GIZ requested the following services of Normisur:
a) Four-hour seminar for government officials to help them create an inclusive space for the respectful exchange of information between the private and public sectors in order to promote CSR public policy
b) Three-hour presentation for 300 university students and academics entitled “CSR Essential Ingredient for Mongolian Businesses: the Importance of Developing a CSR Strategic Plan” with the purpose of fostering stronger relationships with the university.
c) Internal advisory services and coaching to GIZ staff on next steps in the development and implementation of a CSR consultancy model for companies (while in Mongolia expert met with representatives from two local companies: members of the CSR Task Forces, CEOs and Directors). This consultancy started in October 2013 during Normisur’s previous visit to Mongolia. Since October 2013, a CSR Task Force was created in each company to help guide the work.
From October 2013 until the April 2014, GIZ staff met several times with the members of the two companies Task Forces to work on: a) the review of company’s mission, vision and values, b) identification and analysis of stakeholders, c) implementation of an internal and external diagnosis, and d) development of a benchmarking study of competitors. In addition, GIZ staff met with leaders from both companies and conducted focus groups with employees and community members. Ms. Pagani-Tousignant, President of Normisur International, coached the GIZ staff via SKYPE in every step of the way. Ms. Pagani-Tousignant designed all the tools needed for each step of the strategy.
The remaining steps in the development of the CSR strategic, identification of the pillars of the strategy, creation of the business case and preparation of the plan presentation to the CEO were covered during the April, 2014 visit. Normisur International together with the GIZ staff worked on all these steps and presented the results of the CSR strategic plan to the CEO of each company.October 2013 Visit to Mongolia
In October 2013, Normisur International returned to Mongolia to assist the Mongolian office of GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) with the promotion of CSR in Mongolia. Normisur was asked to:
a) Lead 3 sessions & CEO briefing at the National CSR Forum on: Stakeholder Identification and Engagement, CSR Strategy Development, and Measurement, Reporting and Transparency, and bringing international CSR expert contributions on the latest knowledge available on these topics
b) Educate and coach the group of trainers who participated in the June, 2013 “Program with Certificate and International Business Workshop on CSR”. A three-hour seminar on “How to Design a CSR Training” was offered to all the certified trainers so they could learn how to put together a powerful training session.
c) Design and implement an internal advisory services and coaching to GIZ staff on how to develop and implement a CSR consultancy model for companies (will meet with 2 local companies while in Mongolia). The GIZ wanted to develop an advisory service for companies on CSR strategy that included: meetings/ workshops/ input sessions/work with a task force/development of tools and a process. Two pilot companies were selected to implement the consultancy service. While in Mongolia, Normisur met with executives from both companies. During the following months, Normisur worked virtually with the GIZ staff. Normisur developed all the tools needed for the process and guided the GIZ staff in their work with the companies. The GIZ staff received consulting and coaching services on an on-going basis from September 2013 to April 2014 via SKYPE.
June 2013 Visit to Mongolia
In June 2013, Normisur International returned to Mongolia to continue the work of promoting CSR in the Mining Sector in Mongolia in partnership with the Mongolian office of GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit).
The GIZ wanted to focus on educating a selected group of stakeholders belonging to business, government, civic society and media on key CSR topics related to the mining industry and the important role each sector plays in CSR, so that they could disseminate the information to their peers.
Normisur developed a three-day Program with Certificate and International Business Workshop on CSR” entitled “Developing A Multi-Stakeholder Strategy”.
The 3-day seminar offered over 50 tools (frameworks, graphs, drawings, concepts, assessment tools, etc.) and covered the following topics:
The evolution of CSR in the world, global megatrends that are driving CSR, definition of CSR and sustainability, the emerging new economy, the role of companies in society, the roles of government, civil society and media regarding CSR, voluntary international standards; CSR international practices and standards in the mining industry; Frameworks on CSR stages of development in companies; Concept of stakeholder engagement (identification, mapping and relationship building); and
Basic knowledge of the fundamental seven CSR areas (governance, workforce including human rights, supply chain, environment, responsible marketing, community and public policy)
October 2102 Visit to Mongolia
In October 2012, the Mongolian office of GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) partnered with Normisur international to continue the promotion of Responsible Mining in Mongolia through CSR training and consulting services for companies.
Normisur implemented two three-hour trainings on the following topics:
a)“The CSR Business Case” to empower mining executives on how to sell the value of the CSR activities to higher management, align the CSR efforts with the direction of the business and encourage them to speak the language of the business
b)“How to Develop a Community Involvement Strategy” to help participants identify key communities, manage community expectations and develop a strategy of trust that supports both the company and the community
In addition, Normisur provided individual coaching to companies on CSR issues and facilitated a session at the CSR Forum of the German Mongolian Corporate Days on “The Role of Companies in Society”.
April, 2012 Visit to Mongolia
In April 2012, Normisur International was invited by CCCD (Center for Corporate Citizenship Deutschland) and the Mongolian office of GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) to design and implement a workshop to train executives in the Mongolian mining industry on how to implement CSR into their businesses.
The workshop was entitled “CSR - A Practical Perspective On Concept and Management Practices” and it covered:
- Core elements of CSR in a global and cross-industry perspective and
international practices and standards of CSR in the mining industry
the expert input was designed to give a practical introduction into concept and management practices and included strong participatory elements to "translate" the input to the local conditions, requirements and challenges of mining companies operating in Mongolia