I recently picked up an issue of Trendwatching that describes a new trend among consumers who are on an epic quest for a new form of consumerism: free from guilt over negative impacts on...
The Promotion of Sustainability and Social Responsibility for Public Administrators and Companies in Caracas y Valencia, Venezuela, 13-17 October, 2014 / Trip sponsored by the United States Embassy in Venezuela
The promotion of sustainability and social responsibility among public and private organizations, as well as organizations belonging to civic society is a key topic for the United States Embassy in Venezuela.
Since 2008, Celina Pagani-Tousignant President of Normisur International and corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability expert, has traveled to Venezuela invited by the Public Affairs Department of the United States Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela to implement courses for CSR consultants, workshops, conferences and presentations on a variety of CSR topics for diverse audiences in Caracas and Valencia. Over the years, the Embassy has worked with local allies to organize the activities that take place during Celina’s trip. The key partners have been:
1) CEDICE Libertad, Centro de Ética y Ciudadanía Corporativa
2) VENAMCHAM (Cámara Venezolana Americana de Comercio) and its program entitled: Alianza Social
3) Fedecámaras, Consecomercio y Conindustria in Caracas
4) Universidad de Monte Ávila, Caracas
5) Universidad de Caracas
6) Cámara de Comercio de Valencia
7) Universidad José Antonio Páez de Carabobo, Valencia
8) Asociación de Ejecutivos del Estado de Carabobo, Valencia
This year, the Embassy wants to take the sustainability and social responsibility message to the public authorities, especially to the municipal leaders because they need to think about the future economy and the sustainability of cities.
Celina will dictate one day workshops for municipal leaders about the creation of sustainable cities and clean public spaces to better the quality of life of people, support for SMEs, the promotion of social responsibility through incentives and certificates, and the importance of public-private partnerships. Celina will also give presentations to company representatives and CSR consultants on the latest CSR and sustainability global trends.